Publicado por: Gabriela Sáenz
Con una propuesta figurativa joven, emocional y hasta cierto punto, transparente, la galería de Luxemburgo presenta con su "NEW FIGURATIVE CONTEMPORARY ART" la oportunidad a que el espectador de esta recopilación pictórica, dé rienda suelta a su psique, y literalmente "lea" las imágenes dispuestas en lienzos de diverso formato y técnica.
Los temas -todos contemporáneos y universales- son tratados desde un foro personal que, paradójicamente, al ser extremadamente individual lo torna genérico y compete a todos.
La muestra inagura el 4 de Junio y clausura el 27 del mismo mes.
Pascal Vochelet
« Le Jugement » 2009 ; acrylique sur papier monté sur bois ; 80 x 65 cm |
Teiji Hayama
« Revolution » 2009 Oil on canvas ; 60 x 80 cm | « Halo » 2009 Oil on canvas ; 60 x 80 cm |
Teiji Hayama is born in 1975 in Japan, he lives and works in Switzerland Teiji Hayama's paintings join together western and Japanese influences, combining different art historical periods varying from Christian art, Greek mythology to contemporary Japanese pop culture and Ukiyo-E. Many of the figures are rife with symbolism, a tradition in Christian art. Hayama's pale, ethereal figures with frail bodies and pale tinited eyes often inspired by well-known images of female deities, portray an angelic appearance which clashes with a penetrating and unnerving glare directed at the viewer. Symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, pledges of love, tattoos depicted in the portraits represent the seat of emotions of the young girls, their convictions, belonging or identification with particular groups. Teiji Hayama communicates the innocence of children by portraying nude girls. Nudity combined with innocence and vulnerability is often depicted in Japanese pop art. Hayama also wants to show the transition from childhood to adolescence, a physical and mental transitional stage involving social and psychological changes. |
Marc Pierrard
Oil on wood ; neonlight ; table ; broken plastic egg
installation 200 x 320 x 70 cm
Marc Pierrard is born in 1974 in Luxembourg, he lives and works in Kayl, Luxembourg
Catherine Ryan
« Lion with Three » Charcoal + acrylic on mounted paper 66 x 50 cm |
Catherine Ryan is born in 1978 in Livingston, she lives and works in San Francisco
Franck Omer
« Empereur Tomato Ketchup » 2008 Série "L’ Apocalypse selon Saint Omer" | « |
Franck Omer est né en 1974 en France, il vit et travaille à Marseille
Cette fois l'enfance, chair à Omer, est encore représentée et symbolisée mais re(dé)composée et bien re-léguée à des toiles d'art aîné pour ne pas dire art mature...
66-68, rue de Luxembourg
L-8140 Bridel
Opening : tuesday - saturday : 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Ouverture: mardi - samedi : 15h00 - 19h00