Lo más Nuevo en EspacioAbierto/Gabriela Sáenz

EspacioAbierto/Gabriela Sáenz

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009


Publicado por: Gabriela Saenz

La obra de este pintor norteamericano no requiere de descriptiva alguna: habla por sí misma y lo hace, además con un lenguaje propio. Sensible en mi parecer, objetiva, según el mismo autor, la obra de este artista merece un paseo por los desiertos de su lienzo.
A mí me ha regalado el abrazo perfecto...

Transcribo un artículo tomado directamente del sitio:

George Tooker (b.1920) was born and raised until age seven in Brooklyn, New York and then in Belleport, Long Island in genteel upper class surroundings, he became a figure painter whose work reflects both his privileged circumstances and understanding of those less comfortable. His subjects, often of mixed sexual and racial features, are often obscured by heavy clothing and appear sagging and shapeless, trapped within their own dull worlds.

Some critics have described his style as "magic realism," but he was not interested in the illusionary effects that many of the painters of that style espouse. He has regarded himself as more of a reporter or observer of society than an interpreter.

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